Work Carter TV is currently on a break. Check back soon for updates!

What equipment do I need?

Depends on the workout you choose! There are workouts that use only bodyweight (Workouts While Traveling). Barre and Sculpt classes will use some or all from the following: light dumbbells (1lb-3lb), medium dumbbells (5lb-8lb), resistance loops, a ball (you can use a pillow), and/or sliders (you can use socks or paper plates). For HIIT workouts, you should have some heavier weights (either dumbbells or kettlebells)… I would suggest 10lbs or heavier. But you can make it work with what you have.

You mention in some videos that the class follows a playlist. Where is the playlist?

For every class, I have created a playlist. You can find the Spotify playlist if you scroll down. You can choose to listen to the playlist or not. Barre classes are always done to the music and I give you a countdown to start the song. Otherwise, you can start the playlist whenever and adjust the volume as needed.

How does billing work?

First 7 days of Work Carter TV are a trial period… aka free. After the 7 day trial, your card on file will be charged monthly until cancelled.

I have some injuries I’m recovering from. Are Work Carter TV workouts ok for me?

Firstly, you need to be cleared by a doctor before working out. If you are cleared, I offer lots of modifications and suggestions throughout each workout so you can find something that works for you! As I always say “Pick something that’s challenging but doable!”

I am pregnant or just had a baby. Are Work Carter TV workouts safe for me?

Movement before and after having a child is vital. However, your doctor has to clear you before you do any physical activity. Work Carter TV classes are low impact but challenging. Pre/post natal suggested modifications: avoid twisting and avoid crunching. I do not always give specific pre/post natal modifications in each workout so if you have questions about modifications, please email me! I’m happy to help! workcarterfitness@gmail.com

How often are new videos posted?

I record every live zoom class I teach and upload it to Work Carter TV. As of now, I have 4-5 classes on the schedule per week. So that’s up to 5 new on demand workouts per week!

What workouts should I choose?

The beauty of on demand is you are in charge and the workouts can fit your schedule or your specific goals. However, if you know you will spend more time looking for the “perfect” workout for the day than actually doing the workout (we’ve all been there) then I suggest picking the “new this week” videos.

Suggested workout schedule:

Monday- Barre

Tuesday- Arms & Abs

Wednesday- HIIT

Thursday- Legs & Abs

Friday- Full Body

Can I get feedback from the Work Carter team?

My team and I are here for you. If you have a question or want feedback, feel free to send me an email or message on Instagram. If it’s something that I think needs more attention than a simple response, I will suggest some training sessions. We are available for virtual and in person training sessions.